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Our Course Descriptions

TST Course Delivery Methods:

  • In person, on-site. This delivery method brings the course directly to you. Typically, the customer supplies a suitable classroom with a projector or TV. All other course material is provided. A minimum charge for 6 students is required. Normally a plant tour is included where allowed.
  • In person at specific locations. These are open enrollment classes offered at either a customer site which allows open enrollment or at a local motel with a suitable classroom. Check our website for these offerings.
  • Virtual delivery for specific customers. If you desire to offer a virtual course limited to just for your group this option is available.
  • Open enrollment virtual training. This option allows for individuals to take a course without the need for travel and in person attendance. Check our website for these offerings as well.

Basic Steam Boiler Training Course (Low Pressure)

  • Text used: Low Pressure Boilers 4th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target student: Entry level student.
  • Course length: 4 days
Full Class Description
  • Course includes the basics of steam boilers, hydronic boilers, boiler auxiliaries, steam system components and function, boiler feedwater treatment, pumps, piping systems, fuel handling, basic principles of combustion, and controls. Course also introduces the basics of refrigeration.
  • Course is designed as preparation for those primarily operating low pressure boilers (15 PSIG or less) and interested in setting for an entry level FO3 American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) boiler operator certification.

Basic Steam Boiler Training Course (High Pressure)

  • Text used: High Pressure Boilers 6th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target student: Entry level student.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Course includes the basics of boilers, boiler auxiliaries, steam system components and function, boiler feedwater treatment, positive displacement and centrifugal pumps, piping systems, fuel handling, basic principles of combustion, and controls. Introduces basic electrical principles and equipment including variable speed drives.
  • Course is designed as preparation for those primarily operating high pressure boilers (above 15 PSIG) and interested in setting for an entry level FO3 American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) boiler operator certification.

Intermediate Steam Boiler Training Course

  • Text used: Boiler Operators Workbook, 4th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Intermediate level course designed for those having previously completed an entry level course.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Course includes review of and builds on the understanding gained on topics covered in basic course and expands knowledge of boiler operation theory, design and construction, steam distribution systems including piping and pressure reducing valves, feedwater systems including pumps, pump operating and system curves. Course also covers deaerator operation, softener and demineralizer system operation and maintenance, natural gas, fuel oil and solid fuel delivery and combustion systems, draft systems including fan and duct design, instrumentation fundamentals including PID tuning, and an introduction to boiler system optimization calculations and methods.
  • Course is designed primarily for those students desiring to advance their boiler operator certification up to the FO2, and to act as a refresher for those interested in advancing up to the level of PO3 American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE).

Advanced Steam Boiler Training Course

  • Text used: Stationary Engineering, 5th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Advanced level course designed for those having previously completed an intermediate level course.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Course includes a quick review of basic principles and explores more rigorously steam table values, thermodynamic formulas concerning heat balance, heat engines, and thermal efficiency. It also covers basic machine theory and gas laws.
  • Course is designed for students desiring a more advanced theory and application of thermodynamic principles as they apply to combustion, boilers, heat exchangers, and steam turbines.
  • Course is designed for those students desiring to advance their certification level of PO2 and above under the American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE).

HVAC Water Chillers and Cooling Towers Course

  • Text used: HVAC Water Chillers and Cooling Towers, 2nd edition, CRC Press
  • Target students: Course designed for chill water system operators, system maintenance technicians, and those involved in the supervision of the operations and/or maintenance personnel of chilled water plants.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes both lecture, homework, and homework review sessions.
  • The focus of the training is an introduction to the operating principles and the operation industrial chillers, cooling towers, distribution systems, and auxiliary equipment.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Refrigeration and cooling basics
  2. Refrigeration machines
  3. Chiller configurations
  4. Chilled water system elements
  5. Chilled water system control and performance
  6. Thermal energy storage
  7. Chiller operation and maintenance
  8. Cooling tower fundamentals
  9. Cooling tower components
  10. Cooling Tower configurations and applications
  11. Cooling tower controls
  12. Condenser water treatment
  13. Special tower considerations
  14. Cooling tower operation and maintenance
  15. Cooling tower performance testing
  • Course includes an examination at its conclusion and a certificate of completion.

Basic Combined Cycle Course

  • Text used: Combined-Cycle Gas & Steam Turbine Power Plants, 3rd edition, CRC Press
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system maintenance technicians, and those involved in the supervision of the operations and/or maintenance personnel of combined cycle plants.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes both lecture and course review sessions.
  • The focus of the training is an introduction to the operating principles and the operation of gas turbine engine, the heat recovery steam generator, the synchronous generator, and the involved auxiliary systems for this energy conversion system.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Introduction to Electricity
  2. Temperature, Heat, and Energy.
  3. Thermodynamics Principles
  4. The Engine and Its Basic Components
  5. Types of Gas Turbines
  6. Combined Cycle Concepts
  7. Boiler Basics
  8. Water Treatment Basics
  9. The Heat Recovery Steam Generator
  10. Steam Turbines
  11. Combined-Cycle Plant Operations
  12. Electrical Generators
  13. Environmental Considerations
  • Course includes an ASOPE examination at its conclusion as a licensing opportunity for those involved in Combined Cycle Operation and Maintenance.

Diesel Plant Basic Operator Training Course

  • Text used: Diesel Technology, 8th edition, Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher.
  • Target students: Course designed for diesel operators, diesel plant supervisors, and those responsible for diesel engine and power system maintenance.
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Introduction to Diesel Engines
  2. Shop Safety
  3. Tools, Precision Tools, and Fasteners
  4. Principles of Operation
  5. Engine Blocks
  6. Crankshafts
  7. Pistons, Rings, and Connecting Rods
  8. Cylinder Heads and Related Components
  9. Camshaft and Valve Train Components
  10. Lubrication Systems
  11. Cooling Systems
  12. Air Intake Systems
  13. Exhaust Systems
  • Course is designed primarily for those students desiring to obtain their ASOPE Diesel 3rd Class License under the American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) licensure program.

Diesel Plant Intermediate Operator Training Course

  • Text used: Diesel Technology, 8th edition, Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher.
  • Target students: Course designed for diesel operators, diesel plant supervisors, and those responsible for diesel engine and power system maintenance.
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Introduction to Diesel Engines
  2. Shop Safety
  3. Tools, Precision Tools, and Fasteners
  4. Principles of Operation
  5. Engine Blocks
  6. Crankshafts
  7. Pistons, Rings, and Connecting Rods
  8. Cylinder Heads and Related Components
  9. Camshaft and Valve Train Components
  10. Lubrication Systems
  11. Cooling Systems
  12. Air Intake Systems
  13. Exhaust Systems
  • Course is designed primarily for those students desiring to obtain their ASOPE Diesel 3rd Class License under the American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) licensure program.

Instrumentation and Process Control Course One

  • Text used: Instrumentation and Process Control (w/workbook), 7th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system designers, and those involved in the calibration and maintenance of industrial process control systems.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • The focus of the training is an introduction to instrumentation, temperature, and pressure measurement.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Define “process control instrumentation” and identify important present-day trends in the instrumentation field. Explore process control and the kinds of variables measured and controlled by a system.
  2. Define control loops and strategies and compare the static and dynamic performance characteristics of a control system.
  3. Define “piping and instrumentation diagram” and explain its function including the means of identifying instruments on a piping and instrumentation diagram.
  4. Define “temperature” and identify the most common temperature scales.
  5. Define “heat transfer” and compare the three types of heat transfer.
  6. Identify the common units of heat energy.
  7. Define “specific heat” and “heat capacity.”
  8. Describe the principles of thermal expansion.
  9. Define “thermocouple” and identify the phenomena that govern the behavior of thermocouples and their construction and measuring circuits.
  10. Define “resistance temperature detector,” describe its construction, and explain how it is used.
  11. Define “thermistor,” describe its construction, and explain how it is used.
  12. Define “IR thermometer” and explain how they are used.
  13. Explain the use of thermal imagers.
  14. Describe the response time and time constant of meters.
  15. Describe the function and design of thermowells.
  16. Define “pressure,” “atmospheric pressure,” “head,” and “hydrostatic pressure.”
  17. Identify and define the types of mechanical pressure sources, and identify a common application of Pascal’s law.
  18. Identify four common pressure scales and common units of pressure measurement.
  19. Identify types of manometers and their working principles.
  20. Identify types of mechanical pressure sensors and their working principles.
  21. Describe the operation of a resistance pressure transducer.
  22. Compare the operation of a capacitance pressure transducer and a differential pressure (d/p) cell.
  23. List important considerations in pressure measurement applications.
  24. Identify means of protecting pressure sensors from hazardous environments.
  25. Describe devices for calibrating pressure sensors.
  • Course is designed as the first of a progressive series of four classes relating to industrial instrumentation.
  • Course includes an examination at its conclusion to assess the skills gained during the training and a certificate of completion.

Instrumentation and Process Control Course Two

  • Text used: Instrumentation and Process Control (w/workbook), 7th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system designers, and those involved in the calibration and maintenance of industrial process control systems.
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • The focus of the training is level measurement, flow measurement, position measurement, and gas analyzers.
  • Describe devices for calibrating pressure sensors.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Explain how the shape of a tank or vessel affects the relationship between level and volume.
  2. Compare point level measurement and continuous level measurement.
  3. Explain the use of indirect pressure measurements for measuring level.
  4. Describe the operation of capacitance level instruments.
  5. Compare conductivity and inductive probes.
  6. Describe the operation of photometric sensors.
  7. List ultrasonic level instruments and describe their operation.
  8. List radar level instruments and describe their operation.
  9. Explain the use of weigh systems.
  10. Describe the flow properties of bulk solids and explain how these properties can make it difficult to measure level.
  11. Describe methods of calibrating load cells.
  12. List considerations for measuring the water level in a boiler.
  13. List considerations for measuring the level of corrosive fluids.
  14. Describe devices for calibrating pressure sensors.
  15. Compare flow rate and total flow.
  16. Identify the physical properties of fluids and other factors that affect flow and the selection of a flow measurement method.
  17. List and describe the types of primary flow elements used with differential pressure measurements.
  18. Explain the operating principles of differential pressure flowmeters.
  19. Explain the use and operation of variable-area flowmeters.
  20. Describe positive-displacement flowmeters and explain their use.
  21. Compare turbine meters and paddle wheel meters and explain their use.
  22. Explain the use of open-channel flow measurements.
  23. Describe magnetic flowmeters and explain their use.
  24. List and describe ultrasonic flowmeters.
  25. Explain the operation of mass flowmeters.
  26. Describe the requirements for making differential instrument connections and instrument locations.
  27. Explain the purpose of blocking valves and manifolds.
  28. Define “analysis,” “analyzer,” and “analyzer sampling system.”
  29. Identify the types of oxygen analyzers and explain their use.
  30. Define “opacity analyzer.”
  31. Describe the use of mechanical switches.
  32. List the types of proximity sensors and describe their applications.
  33. Describe some of the factors that affect sensor installation.
  34. Describe how sensors are used for rotary speed sensing.
  • Course is designed as the second of a progressive series of four classes relating to industrial instrumentation.
  • Course includes an examination at its conclusion to assess the skills gained during the training and a certificate of completion.

Instrumentation and Process Control Course Three

  • Text used: Instrumentation and Process Control (w/workbook), 7th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system designers, and those involved in the calibration and maintenance of industrial process control systems.
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • The focus of the training is transmission and communications, automatic control, and final control elements.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Define “transmission” and important terms and methods associated with transmission.
  2. Describe voltage, pulse, frequency, and tone transmission systems.
  3. Describe the use of formulas for converting between measurements and transmission values.
  4. Describe how to convert numbers between different bases.
  5. Define “digital communications” and describe the main types of network configurations, addressing, and protocols.
  6. List and describe the types of circuits used in digital communications wiring formats.
  7. Identify common cable and wiring formats.
  8. Define “fieldbus” and describe the network classifications for fieldbus systems.
  9. Define “wireless transmission” and list its advantages and disadvantages.
  10. Compare the different types of spread spectrum transmission methods, wireless standards, and security standards.
  11. Explain the importance of loop impedance in a current transmission system.
  12. Define “ground loop” and identify ways that a ground loop can be avoided.
  13. Describe electromagnetic interference (EMI).
  14. List the types of transmitters and describe a smart transmitter.
  15. Define “automatic control” and identify common terms associated with it.
  16. Identify the functions of controllers and define these functions.
  17. Define “control strategy” and identify common control strategies.
  18. List and define the common types of advanced control strategies.
  19. Describe the purpose of controller tuning and tuning coefficients.
  20. Explain the methods of tuning controllers.
  21. List and define the different types of digital controllers and control systems.
  22. Recognize pressure drop and the causes of it.
  23. Evaluate changes to fluid flow due to adjustments to physical properties.
  24. Define “throttling control valve” and describe its function.
  25. Explain the use of ON/OFF control actions and describe the different types available.
  • Course is designed as the third of a progressive series of four classes relating to industrial instrumentation.
  • Course includes an examination at its conclusion to assess the skills gained during the training and a certificate of completion.

Instrumentation and Process Control Course Four

  • Text used: Instrumentation and Process Control (w/workbook), 7th edition, American Technical Publishers.
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system designers, and those involved in the calibration and maintenance of industrial process control systems.
  • Class includes approximately equal parts of both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes both lecture and supervised workbook sessions.
  • The focus of the training is final control elements, safety systems, and process control applications.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. Describe fluid properties that determine valve selection.
  2. Recognize control valve documentation strategies.
  3. Determine proper valve size through the use of formulas.
  4. Define “regulator” and describe the different types of regulators.
  5. Define “damper” and describe the different types of dampers.
  6. List the different types of actuators and describe their operation.
  7. Explain the use of positioners and describe their operation.
  8. Define “variable-speed drive” and explain its use.
  9. List the types of valves used in safety systems and describe their use.
  10. Explain the function of rupture discs.
  11. Describe the operation of burner control systems.
  12. Explain the function of alarm systems.
  13. Describe the various types of hazardous atmosphere detectors.
  14. Describe the role of the National Electric Code® in establishing hazardous location classifications.
  15. Describe electrical protections used with safety systems.
  16. Define “safety instrumented system (SIS)” and describe its importance.
  17. List the technology options available to use in an SIS.
  18. Compare the continuous and batch processes.
  19. Describe common uses for split range control valves.
  20. Explain how high and low selectors with controllers are used.
  21. Explain how limit controls are used.
  22. Describe the function of cascade control and describe its common applications.
  23. Describe smooth transfer of pressure control.
  24. Explain how level control is used.
  25. Describe the common applications of flow ratio control.
  26. Describe lead-lag air-fuel ratio control.
  27. Describe a common use for analysis control.
  28. Describe the common multivariable applications.
  • Course is designed as the fourth of a progressive series of four classes relating to industrial instrumentation.
  • Course includes an examination at its conclusion to assess the skills gained during the training and a certificate of completion.

Intermediate Combined Cycle Course

  • Text used: Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, 2nd edition, ASME Press (chapters 1 – 4).
  • Target students: ourse designed for system operators, system maintenance technicians, and those involved in the supervision of the operations and/or maintenance personnel of combined cycle plants which have completed the basic level course.
  • Class includes lecture, homework, pretest/posttest, quizzes, and course review sessions.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
    • The focus of the training is an advanced look at power generation principles and the gas turbine engine.
    • An in-depth study of thermodynamic cycles as applied to the turbine engine.
    • Provides review of combined cycle basics, power generation basics, intermediate level thermodynamics, and the design criteria for the combined cycle plant.

      Specific course objectives include:

      1. A Review of the Basics of the Combined Cycle Power Plant.
      2. An Overview of Power Generation Techniques.
      3. Thermodynamic and Gas Turbine Cycles.
      4. Performance and Mechanical Equipment Standards which apply to the Gas Turbine.
      5. An Overview of the Design and Operation of Gas Turbines

      Course prepares student for up to American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) CTOE2 (second class) examination at its conclusion as a licensing opportunity for those involved in Combined Cycle Operation and Maintenance.

Advanced Combined Cycle Course

  • Text used: Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants, 2nd edition, ASME Press (chapters 5 – 11).
  • Target students: Course designed for system operators, system maintenance technicians, and those involved in the supervision of the operations and/or maintenance personnel of combined cycle plants which have completed the basic and intermediate level courses.
  • Course Length: 5 days
Full Class Description
  • Class includes lecture, homework, pretest/posttest, quizzes, and course review sessions.
  • The focus of the training is an advanced look at power generation principles and the gas turbine engine.
  • An in-depth study of the components of combined cycle and cogeneration plants.
  • Provides an advanced look at steam turbine generators, pumps, heat recovery steam generators, condenser and cooling towers, generators, and fuel storage and delivery systems.

Specific course objectives include:

  1. An overview of steam turbines.
  2. An overview of pumps.
  3. Pump types, selection, and applications.
  4. Advanced Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs).
  5. Condensers and cooling towers
  6. Generators, motors, and electrical switchgear
  7. Fuels, piping, and storage.
  8. Bearings, seals, and lubrication systems.
  • Course prepares student for up to an American Society of Power Engineers (ASOPE) CTOE1 (first class) examination at its conclusion as a licensing opportunity for those involved in Combined Cycle Operation and Maintenance.

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